The Right Touch

Sandra Gill, CMT, LMT
9130 Clayton Street
Thornton, CO 80229
303-349-7277 text or call appointment only

Welcome to Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage is probably the most powerful, non-invasive method of treating, preventing, and controlling pain available today.

The first thing we usually do when we feel pain in our bodies is to rub the area; massage therapy in its most basic form. Massage has a long and distinguished history including use by the ancient Chinese, Japanese, Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. Today massage is often prescribed by doctors and is increasingly used by everyone for pain relief and a more active lifestyle. The Right Touch, a private practice in the Denver-Metro area operated by Sandra Gill, Licensed Massage Therapist, provides over 25 years of experience to assist clients with professional therapeutic massage.

Massage therapy is based on the fact that our soft tissues -- muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia -- respond to touch. Muscles not only move our joints, they stabilize them, and provide protective armour for our internal organs. Most pain originates from soft tissues. Trigger points -- specific responsive points in muscles which radiate or refer pain to various parts of the body -- can mimic numerous conditions. For instance, headaches usually originate in the muscles of the neck and head. Low back pain and sciatic pain are far more likely to originate in back muscles than from vertebral disk problems. Regular massage therapy can help alleviate many manifestations of pain. For more information, see the Benefits of Massage below.

Who Am I?

I am a Certified and Licensed Massage Therapist who graduated with Honors from the Boulder College of Massage Therapy in 1997. I have been in private practice in the Thornton area ever since. I specialize in therapeutic massage, deep tissue, neuromuscular, sports massage, muscle release technique, and chair massage. I am legally licensed as a massage therapist in Colorado (license #765). I am a Certified member of the Associated Bodyworker and Massage Professionals (ABMP) and adhere to their Code of Ethics. I have been a member of the Sports Massage Team for Ride the Rockies, Colorado Sports Massage Team, Courage Classic supporting Children's Hospital, MS150 supporting the MS Society, Triple Bypass and the Bicycle Tour of Colorado Sports Massage Team.

I believe in the growth and development of my therapeutic skills to provide the best service for my clients. I have completed continuing training that includes Sports Massage, Chair Massage, Muscle Release Technique Workshop, Advanced Myofascial Techniques, Massage During Pregnancy, Lymphatic Drainage, Kinesio Taping, Ethics, American Heart Association CPR, Providing Body-Centered Therapies, Massage and Pharmacology, Cranio-Sacral, Natural Approaches to Menopause, and CERT Training. You may download my Curriculum Vitae as a PDF here. There is a brief introductory video at the bottom of this page for your viewing enjoyment.

I also regularly support the Smile Train and Guiding Eyes for the Blind.

I have a Master's degree in Secondary Education and have worked for many years in corporate training. I am a Colorado native and enjoy the outdoors. My outdoor activities include Waymarking, Geocaching and hiking. I often take my dog for walks. I also enjoy genealogy (see

Benefits of Massage


When we experience stress in our daily lives, our brain responds with "fight or flight." This turns on our sympathetic nervous system -- muscles tighten in our neck, shoulders and back; blood vessels constrict; our eyes dilate; tremendous energy is expended as the adrenal glands excrete hormones. When this process continues for a long time, you feel "stressed out!"

Massage breaks this tension by triggering the parasympathetic nervous system: the body's way of conserving and restoring energy. Touch helps our body and mind to refocus and relax. Squeezing, stretching, and kneading release tight muscles stimulating natural endorphines which decreases pain, heart rate, and promotes an inner sense of calm


Whether at home, work, participating in sports, or just having fun, people are more vulnerable to RSI than ever before. Some of the more common repetitive stress injuries we hear about include Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Tendonitis. Generally, these conditions are the result of an inflammation of either tendons or muscles. Repeating the same motion over long periods of time without taking a break, may lead to these and conditions.

Applying therapeutic massage to stressed areas, along with stretching, postural and lifestyle adjustments may help alleviate the pain associated with RSI. Using various massage techniques which increases the blood flow to the over-worked area, flushes out toxins, helps to prevent adhesions, and restores increased range of motion. Massage and stretching of contracted muscles also releases entrapped nerves that are usually the source of numbness and tingling.


Massage relieves muscle tension, enabling blood to flow freely, while supplying the body with necessary oxygen and nutrients. This increases cellular activity and improves mental response and alertness -- your whole system runs more efficiently and you feel energized! The more massage received, the more supple and relaxed your musculature becomes.


Therapeutic massage mimics muscle movement by squeezing, lifting, pressing, and stretching soft tissue which causes the cells inflammatory response to liberate histamine, opening the blood capillaries, to increase circulation. The body then responds by replenishing oxygenated and nutrient rich blood more efficiently.


Deep tissue and other massage techniques, may help an injury heal faster and more completely. Though a little uncomfortable at times, injuries receive temporary relief by applying deep friction to increase blood flow and prevent adhesions from forming (see Massage Styles). It is also important to employ specific therapeutic movements to the injured area.


The lymphatic system constitutes the major portion of our immune system. When the body is invaded by foreign cells or substances, the body's immune response is triggered. The body dramatically increases its production of T-cells and B-cells, our body's first line of defense.

Massage promotes lymphatic flow through the lifting and squeezing of skin and muscle tissue; mimicking muscle movement. Inhalation and exhalation also enhance the flow of the lymphatic system. Massaging the upper body releases tight respiratory muscles, facilitating increased movement throughout the chest cavity and increasing lymph flow.